You know how you empty your pockets at the end of the day and place your pocket change in a cup or jar or some container to collect change? It slowly fills the container, then you find another cup or jar. After doing this many times you finally decide to do something with all that change.
I know you can take the change to a place that has machines that count it for you, however they usually take a percentage. Think about that, all they are doing is counting your money, and then they charge you for it. That feeling didn’t agree with me. I don’t want to give a percentage of my money to a machine so I decided to sort, count, and wrap the coins myself.
I decided to start with quarters ( why not ). Would you believe that I wrapped exactly $100 in quarters? The quarter wrappers allow $10 per wrapper, so I had 10. Next it’s off to the bank to deposit. As I gathered up the 10 rolls of quarters I was inspired to share, after all I basically found the money. True, it was collected in several jars but it certainly was not missed while it was in those jars, so now I’m off to the bank with a feeling to share.
I’m not giving a percentage to a machine, that certainly sounds cold but I am inspired to share, so I thought I would give one of the $10 rolls of quarters to someone less fortunate than I. I thought I would go to the bank and give it to the first person I see.
Guess what? I didn’t see anyone… At the bank, making the deposit I actually started looking forward to and was excited about how the situation of me giving back would come to be.
Well, two days later my partner was out running errands while I was busy around the house. I was nudged by my belly to check the clock, sure enough it was lunchtime. I decided to treat myself to an In-N-Out Burger. Double double animal style, fries slightly well done, very yummy. (If you don’t have an In-N-Out Burger near you be sure to visit one while traveling!).
After the friendly person gave me my treat with a smile I couldn’t wait to get home to dig in. Because the lunch crowd was there the exit line from the drive-through was just a little bit slow getting out to the Boulevard.. As I waited my turn, I looked to the sidewalk and guess what?… I see a man in need. He was holding a sign but I didn’t need to read it, I checked my billfold real quick and found…you guessed it, a $10 bill.
It was in a section of my billfold I don’t usually use. And in that split second I felt that ”here you go, here is your opportunity to give”.
The man in need was not in the way, not obstructing traffic, or people, not on the restaurant property and actually looked a little embarrassed. I was fortunate that the car in front of me was still stopped, I put down my window and caught the man’s eye and motioned him over.
He approached, his eyes on mine, I gave him the 10, his eyes never left mine, he said thank you, thank you, thank you. I opened my mouth to say something and ”bless you” is what came out.
The traffic then cleared and I drove home. As I drove home I tried to wrap my head around why I felt so good. I was thrilled, uplifted and felt so alive. Then it came to me. I was given an opportunity to have the giver of love and abundance work through me.
I began to ponder who is more blessed? The receiver of the gift? The giver of the gift? Or the one that creates the opportunity to give?