Okay guys…….. you’ve seen it on the blog for two weeks now. Are you ready for Couple’s Activity: Destination Sunset? Get the chairs the blanket (the ice chest if you are going to drive somewhere), maybe the sunset you are going to see is in the backyard, that’s good too…
Remember to bring a camera, snacks, cheese and crackers, (shrimp cocktails are always good!), and your favorite beverage, hats and sunglasses. Now that you are prepared, it’s time to have a fun ‘couple time’!
Talk about fun stuff, hold hands and just be. Observe the beauty of the moment. Let your feelings reach out to the clouds and to the sun. Quiet the thoughts in your mind and just be…
You might need to close your eyes and feel yourself breathe, find your heartbeat and feel the wonderful absence of thoughts. If thoughts come back and you want to return to your peace, do it again, just breathe…
Turn to your lover and just look into their eyes, tell them you love them with your eyes. And then of course use words – it always touches deep to hear “I love you”.