Roger Bach | Author

Author PhotoWOW, I find myself writing about love……. who would’ve guessed after years of doing hard-core man stuff like racing cars, motorcycles, martial arts, and taking lots of hard knocks; (and hopefully learning from the hard knocks, because included in racing cars and racing motorcycles comes crashes!). And the hard knocks in martial arts, of course, lots of them… Maybe I’m a slow learner, but when the hard knocks came in my heart, that’s when things changed. Now I find myself writing about love, who would’ve guessed?

I am not an English major, nor a doctor of anything but LIFE. I am neither a theologian nor historian. I am just an ordinary man who has read what other masters have written and figured out how to apply that wisdom in my own relationship.

I do not mean to limit myself by stating that I am an ordinary man, but more to point out that my background does not automatically grant me any advantage in terms of learning the lessons which I share with you. Knowledge is great, but mere knowledge can be useless. There is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom; knowledge says that you have the information available to you, whereas wisdom means you have the ability to sense or know what action to take with that knowledge.

I know How to Keep Love. I practice this every day and now I am inspired to write about it.I am with a woman who gives me unconditional love and inspiration. I now find love coming out of me with such abundance that I feel I have to share. We know how to keep love young, strong and growing..the fruits of a strong marriage. I now find happiness at every turn. My joy is sharing love with her. I notice all around me that love flares up and then fades. I have learned that love is active, love is changing. It’s either growing or diminishing.

The relationship I have now is amazing. I am free to love and am loved exactly the way I am – no conditions. The amazing emotion of feeling good is sometimes overwhelming. I look at her and my heart leaps, my chest swells, my throat gets tight and my eyes tear. WOW! I am keeping love going and growing with active love. Every day we do things that keep our love new and exciting. It is so much fun! I have learned that I am responsible for my own happiness. My greatest joy comes from giving love to my Princess. I have educated myself by reading from great teachers, modern and ancient ones. The beautiful woman I am in love with is my greatest teacher.

What I didn’t find in the readings is how to apply what the masters were teaching to my romantic relationship. There was no HOW TO with regard to an intimate relationship. The material was so fascinating and I kept reading, researching and discovering who we really are. Without our false self we are beautiful loving beings. Then it started to click in me. The HOW TO just came to me. It’s so easy and fun. I actively do things to keep my love growing.

Now, I am inspired to share How to Keep Love. I want to encourage those suffering in an unhappy marriage that there is hope. I have written some HOW TO techniques for keeping love young and alive. I feel that I have to get these stories out. I can’t wait to share with people about How to Keep Love.

WOW! Writing about love…How things change.

Roger Bach