Summer is over – did you miss out on anything? As we prepare for Fall and Winter, let’s look back at Summer, just for a moment… We always want to be in the present moment so we will just take a short peek at activities last summer. Is there something that you didn’t get to do? A big trip across the country, or a short trip close to home? What ever it might be, do you feel that you missed something? Let’s take some time for ourselves and begin the planning that it takes for a big trip.
Get together with your partner and have fun planning next Summer’s Big Trip. Make sure that the planning stays fun! Talk with your partner when they are feeling playful and energized (not on a Friday night after a long work week). Saturday morning while you are going for a walk, or cooking together, or perhaps Sunday evening while watching a sunset… Say, “hey hon, let’s plan a trip for next year. Where would you like to go? I would like to see …”
Maybe you went on a trip of your choosing this year and next year it is your partner’s turn to pick the place. Never insist that the partner who picks the destination has to do all of the research and planning. Use your gifts and strengths. If your partner picks the place but you’re the one who is good at the planning, jump in and be a planning partner for your partner!
There are lots of good places to look for help and ideas for the planning. Ask colleagues at work: “hey, where did you travel to last year that you said was so much fun?” Go to the Auto Club and pick up brochures, visit a travel agency and start paying attention to ads on your chosen destination. What will you choose? Air travel, train travel, cruises … and don’t forget road trips! These can be fun if the drive is comfortable and not too long.
When some research is under way and you have your brochures and maps, get together with your partner and have fun sharing ideas. Make sure the trip you are planning is a vacation for both of you. For example if one of you prefers the great outdoors and you’re planning a trip to a national park, make sure you include side trips to visit art shows, museums, shopping and dining which may be preferred by the other partner.
Make sure the planning is fun and truly a “Couple’s Activity”! If the planning period is fun this will go a long way toward ensuring that the trip is fun for both of you.
Singles: Plan a trip for two. Feel and think about what kind of vacation your perfect partner would like. This process can be helpful in knowing what you would like in a partner and in a relationship.