Singles Seeking Love | A Special Note from the Author

A note to single people looking for romance: First know that someone else cannot make you happy. If you think “I wish I could find a girlfriend or boyfriend, then I could be happy.” NOPE. You are responsible for your own happiness. You must get yourself happy FIRST. If you think someone else will make you happy, then you might start dating someone just because they ask you out. If you rely on that, you won’t even stop to find out if they are the right person for you. You are so thrilled that you were asked out that you block out your good sense of knowing what you want, or what’s good for you.

Do you know what you want? If not, ask yourself, what do I want? Do not settle for anything else. When you go to the market, you know what you want. You prepare a list. When you go to a restaurant, you look at their list (menu) and choose what you want. When you have found your happiness and want to feel the joy of giving and receiving love in a romantic relationship, make a list of what you want. Seriously, go ahead and write down a list detailing exactly what you are looking for. After all, as Yogi Berra said; ‘if you don’t know where you are going, you will end up someplace else’.