Couple’s Activity: Head To The Theater!

Do you know how many local plays or theater performances are going on in your town? Probably a lot and they often make for a fun outing or date…

Destination TheaterIt’s as easy as doing a quick search online for “local plays in…”, checking out a local newspaper or looking in an events guide.

It is so much fun to see a performance live! Heavily edited stuff like movies can be great when you ignore the many different camera cuts and don’t think about how many times a scene was re-shot to get the version the director wants you to see…

Well… live performances… who knows what will happen? AND you’re living  and viewing the whole thing in the present moment. Each performance is different to the last, especially if you’re seeing a “non-professional” play.

Singles – Make sure you get out to the theater too! It’s a great place to be around others who enjoy living in the present moment. You also might enjoy the idea of meeting the actors and behind-the-scenes crew… Remember, all of those people have the courage to step on stage and perform live , and courage tells you a lot about a person… Knowing they can do it. They are good enough. They can learn something new. They can build something new. A person who is prepared to put themselves out there potentially has a lot of positive attributes – just think how great it could be to get to know them…

If the venue or the title of a local performance doesn’t really speak to your tastes, consider going to see it anyway in order to appreciate the courage, drive and talent of locals who are prepared to get up on stage and perform for you.

If you live in an area with lots of live theater options, you and your date can pick the one that interests both of you. Some places include dinner and a play – this could become a fun place for the two of you to regularly hang out and plays usually rotate every month or so at these places.

Your local theater is also a great place to foster community involvement. Have you always wanted to participate more in your local community? You could consider becoming involved with the local theater yourself (or together!). Start by volunteering for tasks – there is always something needed from local people.

Of course, the best thing about going to see a live local performance is YOU ARE OUT OF THE HOUSE WITH YOUR LOVED ONE! Yeah!  And remember, the reason they call it a play is because it is fun…

We’d love to hear from you! Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below…

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